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Men Have a Higher Incidence of Seroma after Breast Cancer Surgery. Oliveira LT, Aguiar SS, Bender PF, Bergmann A, Thuler LC. Asian Pac J Cancer Pre...
Malignant multiple sclerosis: clinical and demographic prognostic factors. Hampshire-Araujo F, Bergmann A, Alvarenga RMP, Vasconcelos CCF. Arquivos...
Incidence and risk factors of lymphedema after breast cancer treatment: 10 years of follow-up. Ribeiro Pereira ACP, Koifman RJ, Bergmann A. Breast....
Impact of Symptomatic Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression on Survival of Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Silva GT, Bergmann A, Thuler LCS....
Effectiveness of four inflammatory markers in predicting prognosis in 2374 women with breast cancer. Wariss BR, de Souza Abrahão K, de Aguiar SS, B...
Efeito imediato da técnica de mobilização nas interfaces fasciais profundas da região peitoral em pacientes submetidas à mastectomia. Prado-Junior ...
Cerebral Cavernous Malformations: Patient-Reported Outcome Validates Conservative Management. Bicalho VC, Bergmann A, Domingues F, Frossard JT, de ...
Axillary web syndrome is not a risk factor for lymphoedema after 10 years of follow-up. Wariss BR, Costa RM, Pereira AC, Koifman RJ, Bergmann A. Su...
Agreement between Perometry and Sequential Arm Circumference Measurements in Objective Determination of Arm Volume. Batista BN, Baiocchi JMT, Campa...
Achados de fala, deglutição e qualidade de vida na mielinólise extrapontina: relato de caso de uma adolescente com germinoma do sistema nervoso cen...
Whole body vibration exercise in the management of cancer therapy-related morbidities: A systematic review. Lopes-Souza P, Dionello CF, Sá-Caputo D...
Reestruturando uma Revista Científica do SUS com base na Agenda 2030. Bergmann A, Casado L, Siqueira A de SE, Silva MJS da, Zamboni MM. Rev. Bras. ...
PTGS2 polymorphism rs689466 favors breast cancer recurrence in obese patients. Freitas-Alves DR, Vieira-Monteiro HA, Piranda DN, Sobral-Leite M, Si...
Prevalência de distúrbios da comunicação, deglutição e motricidade orofacial em crianças e adolescentes no momento da matrícula em um hospital onco...
Physical activity, fatigue and quality of life during a clinical adjuvant treatment of breast cancer: a comparative study. Boing L, Fretta TB, Viei...
Increased incidence, morbidity and mortality rates for lung cancer in women in Brazil between 2000 and 2014: An analysis of three types of sources ...
Funcionalidade em mulheres com câncer do colo do útero no Brasil: perspectiva dos especialistas. Castaneda L, Bergmann A, Castro S, Koifman R. Func...
Funcionalidade de pacientes com neoplasia gastrointestinal alta submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico em fase hospitalar. Carvalho ESV, Leão ACM, Ber...
Feasibility and agreement of stiffness measurements using gradient-echo and spin-echo MR elastography sequences in unselected patients undergoing l...
Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma transcriptome reveals the effect of FOXM1 on patient outcome through novel PIK3R3 mediated activation of PI3K si...