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Brazilian Women With Lung Cancer Have a Higher Overall Survival Than Their Male Equivalents: A Cohort Study. Costa GJ, Silva GTD, Ferreira CG, Mell...
Alcohol consumption does not increase the risk of surgical wound complications in breast cancer patients Menezes RF, Bergmann A, Thuler LCS.. Int W...
A Produção Científica dos Programas de Pós-Graduação do Colégio de Ciência da Vida na Revista Brasileira de Cancerologia. Silva MJ, Bergmann, Anke....
Impact of different patterns of metastasis in non-small-cell lung cancer patients. Silva LM, Silva GT, Bergmann A, Costa GJ, Zamboni MM, Santos Thu...
Impact of age in health-related quality of life in older adults with cancer. Ximenes RC, Bergmann A, Lima JTO, Cavalcanti AS, Britto MCA, Mello MJG...
Epidemiology of tongue squamous cell carcinoma: A retrospective cohort study. Silva Souto AC, Vieira Heimlich F, Lima de Oliveira L, et al. Oral Di...
Drenagem Linfática Manual em Pacientes Oncológicos: Quais as Evidências Científicas e as Recomendações Clínicas?. Bergmann A, Baiocchi JMT, Rizzi S...
Determinants of delay from cancer diagnosis to treatment initiation in a cohort of brazilian women with breast cancer Medeiros GC, Thuler LCS, Berg...
Desigualdades raciais no estadiamento clínico avançado em mulheres com câncer de mama atendidas em um hospital de referência no Rio de Janeiro, Bra...
Conservative treatment of lymphedema: the state of the art. Conservative treatment of lymphedema: the state of the art. Bergmann A, Baiocchi JMT, F...