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Comments to “The Randomized Controlled Study of Low-Level Laser Therapy, Kinesio-Taping and Manual Lymphatic Drainage in Patients With Stage II Bre...
Effectiveness of mat pilates on fatigue in women with breast cancer submitted to adjuvant radiotherapy: randomized controlled clinical trial
Influence of Age on Health-Related Quality of Life of Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
Mudanças na mobilidade funcional de pacientes com tumores sólidos após a alta da unidade de terapia intensiva
Can mat Pilates and belly dance be efective in improving body image, self‑esteem, and sexual function in patients undergoing hormonal treatment f...
Fatores Prognósticos e Funcionalidade na Síndrome de Compressão Medular Metastática: um Estudo de Coorte
Association of Handgrip Strength with Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Single-center, retrospective study on changes in pain- relieving therapy after bone metastasis detection by bone scintigraphy in prostate cancer pa...
Adherence to a shoulder dysfunction physical therapy protocol after neck dissection with accessory nerve preservation in head-and-neck cancer patie...
Incidence and risk factors associated with the development of metastatic spinal cord compression due to bone metastasis in women with cervical canc...
Mastologia: Orientações fisioterapêuticas | INCA - Instituto Nacional do Câncer
Functioning of Children and Adolescents with Cancer Olívia Lopes 1, Jaqueline Frônio 1 , Anke Bergmann 2 , Rayla Lemos 3 , Érica Defilipo 4 and Pau...
Survival in HIV+ and HIV- women with breast cancer treated at the National Cancer Institute in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 2000 and...
Metástase óssea após câncer de pulmão de não pequenas células em estágio IIIA: riscos e prognóstico Camila Martins de Bessa1a, Larissy Machado da S...
Temporal trends and factors associated with the cancer diagnosed at stage IV in patients included in the integrated hospital-based cancer registry ...
O Uso da Bandagem Compressiva no Pós-Operatório Imediato Não Está Associado à Dor Aguda Pós-Mastectomia. Kajena Nascimento Seriano1 ; Erica Alves N...
Home exercise adherence after breast cancer surgery: incidence and risk factors. Clarice Gomes Chagas Teodózio1 , Vivian de Freitas Martins da Silv...
Fatores Prognósticos e Funcionalidade na Síndrome de Compressão Medular Metastática: um Estudo de Coorte. Prognostic Factors and Functionality in ...
Clinical Experience with Compression Taping to Treat Seroma After Breast Cancer Surgery: A Medical Device Clinical Study. Erica Alves Nogueira Fab...
O Paciente e a Fisioterapia Baseada em Evidências - Artigo Publicado na Revista Dinâmica, publicação digital do Crefito-2. Coluna de Pesquisa. Auto...